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Editorial: Phils Go Green

The power of teamwork

First, the Phillies posted a winning record in April. Then, the team took the field the other night wearing green hats.

Perhaps the ghost of Tug McGraw lives. The late Phils pitcher liked to don a green cap and uniform each St. Patrick's Day in Clearwater.

But this time the green hats were to mark a different celebration. The Phils are getting with the environmental movement.

The team launched a new environmental strategy that includes buying enough renewable energy to power Citizens Bank Park. To mark the conversion, the Phils wore green hats during Wednesday's game.

In addition to buying renewable-energy credits from wind power, the team is adopting other environmentally friendly measures as well. Cups and plates at the ballpark will be biodegradable, while cans and bottles will be recycled.

The fry oil to cook the french fries and chicken nuggets will be converted to biodiesel.

Some of the measures seem basic and should have been done years ago. But then again, a few more World Series rings would be nice, too.

The Phillies, and other marquee institutions in the area, should be applauded for taking a lead in the effort to conserve energy.

The University of Pennsylvania is the largest purchaser of renewable energy in the city, followed by City Hall and the airport. Mayor Nutter has also been out front discussing the benefits of attracting green-collar jobs. As gas prices soar and global warming becomes a key issue, every little bit helps.