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Spartan Race Training: Week 10

Thus far we've handled skills - burpees, running, grip strength, and bodyweight manipulation. These prepare you for Spartan Race specific movements, but you can't coast on skill alone.

Remember pulling an all-nighter cramming for a big exam? Yeah, me too – more times than I can count.

Unfortunately your fitness doesn't work that way. If you run a race - whether it be a strenuous marathon or our Spartan Race - your hard work is complete at least one week prior to the starting gun.

Prolonged periods of intense exercise and high volume require physical downtime. Ignore this need and you head into race day with low energy and a beat up body. That is not a recipe for a milestone experience.

The word of the day is taper. As in taper your effort down into race day. For a Spartan Sprint distance of 5K plus obstacles, 7-10 days works well. During this period reduce the overall volume of your training and don't overdo the intensity.

What does a smart taper do for you? Research varies, but most agree that it shaves a few percent off of your race time. More importantly it leaves you fresh and both mentally and physically ready to embrace the big day.

The Spartan Race is tough, and injuries are a reality. Team members are working through torn thumb ligaments (not suffered during training), ankle sprains, and balky backs. For conditions like these, pay attention and respect your body. Don't be a hero. Practice consistent self care and taper appropriately.

Remember this forever: health and fitness are not the same thing. Training smart means giving the two equal weight and never sacrificing your health for performance in a single race or event (unless, of course, you're making the big bucks and playing in a Superbowl).

Details for this Saturday and 3 ways to join the action:

  1. Race: Sign up here and join Team Relentless in the 3:00pm time slot. We are 60 strong!

  2. Spectate: Being a fan is free! Watch the race unfold at Citizens Bank Park by registering here.

  3. Party: Whether you raced, spectated, or none of the above - join us at MilkBoy on 11th & Chestnut at 5:00pm for a post-race party. The more, the merrier!

Time flies, doesn't it? It feels like yesterday that we talked burpees and plunged into Spartan Race training.

Now 10 weeks have passed, and you are all trained up. Whether you are racing or not, you are fit and you are Spartan ready. It's been a pleasure.

A-roo, Team! Here's to a milestone Saturday. We'll see you next week for a race recap.

Roger Dickerman is co-owner of Relentless Fitness.

Every Thursday leading up to the Spartan Race on November 14, Roger will be submitting exclusive posts to specifically tailored to get you ready for the obstacle course at Citizen's Bank Park. If you'd like to become part of the team, or just want to help donate to the nonprofit they're supporting (Steve's Club), you can get more information here.

Our Team Relentless philosophy is simple: Think bigger on behalf of yourself and others. No matter what route you choose – whether it's solely using these workouts to better your health, training and racing alongside Relentless, or funding a Steve's Club teenager – it's all good. Get involved, and stay relentless! 

Read more Sports Doc for Sports Medicine and Fitness.