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3 tips for exercising safely in hot weather

Is the summer heat melting your motivation to exercise? Extreme temperatures can make outdoor exercise daunting and dangerous.  Don't let scorching conditions take your workout from a sizzle to a fizzle. Beat the heat with the following warm weather workout precautions.

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated
When temperatures are soaring, remember to start pouring.  The body sweats in an attempt to cool down the skin during hot and humid conditions.  When fluids are lost at an accelerated rate, and not replenished quickly, the risk of dehydration increases dramatically.

Prevent dehydration by drinking 20 ounces of water 2 hours before physical activity, and 8 to 10 ounces for every 20 minutes of activity. Not sure if you're staying properly hydrated?  Check the color of your urine.  If your urine is yellow or brown, you must fill up on fluids.  Unless you are exercising for prolonged periods of time, opt for water rather than calorie-packed sports drinks.

Tip #2: Dress Cool
Keep your body cool by wearing the right gear when exercising outdoors. Unless you are solar powered, avoid wearing dark colors that attract and absorb sunlight.

Your body is designed to cool off through the process of perspiration. Help your system cool down by wearing wick away fabrics, light-colored clothing and exposing major muscles groups, such as the legs, to fresh air to prevent overheating. If biking or rollerblading, clear your head by removing your helmet for a breather every 20 minutes.  Doing so allows your pours to properly sweat and vent out the heat that builds around the head during exercise.

Tip #3: Watch the Clock
Heat and humidity can drastically alter the body's ability to function properly.  Avoid exercising between 10am and 4pm to prevent threatening heat-related illnesses, such as heatstroke and heat exhaustion.  When temperatures soar, the heart has to work harder to pump blood to active muscles.  Stay safe by knowing the warning signs.  If you experience cramps, faintness, clammy skin, nausea or vomiting, try to lower your body's temperature by stopping activity immediately, going into a cooler setting and hydrating.  If these conditions persist, contact a physician.

Stay safe by using common sense when exercising.  If you can't stand the heat, get into cooler conditions.

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