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From San Francisco to Baltimore, Philly native runs for good cause

Northeast Philly native Kevin Friend’s life was turned upside down by cancer when his mother was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma (a form of kidney cancer) in 2013.

Northeast Philly native Kevin Friend's life was turned upside down by cancer when his mother was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma (a form of kidney cancer) in 2013. Like all moms trying to protect their children from heartache and worry, she told him a week before he was moving to Baltimore from their home in Academy Gardens that she was having surgery to have a cyst removed. No mention of the C-word. It wasn't until later that he found out it was more than that. It was cancer and it spread quickly throughout her body.

"I was traveling back to Philly every Friday through Monday to spend as much time with her as possible in her last few months and weeks," Friend said. He was attending classes at Community College of Baltimore County at the time and came back up whenever he didn't have school. His mom died in November 2013.

While it was a very difficult time for him, he found solace in running. "Everyone tries to find an avenue to reduce stress and heartache. This was mine. I found it very peaceful, and it helped me clear my mind."

"Whenever training gets tough, I just think about how nothing I go through while training is as tough as what she went through."

"Running has been a huge part of my life since then," he added. "I've now completed 8 half marathons, the Broad Street Run, 3 triathlons and a 70.3 Ironman this May. All this is for her, in memory of her."

Lately though, Friend has wanted to run for others affected by cancer as well. This summer he will be running across the country from San Francisco to Baltimore to raise money and awareness for young adults affected by cancer through 4K for Cancer, a program of The Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults, a non-profit organization that changes lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, as they fight cancer and embrace survivorship.

On this 49-day, 4000-mile run from June 14 to August 1, Friend and a group of 27 others will make tracks across the country, staying with hosts along the ways and performing services like visiting treatment centers and handing out chemo care bags, cooking dinner for patients staying in Hope Lodges, and giving out scholarships. Find out more about the program here.

As part of his commitment to the program, Friend has to raise $4,500 minimum.  Eighty-four cents of every dollar goes to the fund. You can find out where your money goes here.

Right now he has raised around $2,780.00. He will continue fundraising throughout the trip though, so you can still help him make a real difference in the lives of young people affected by cancer by visiting his fundraising page.

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