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The President's Day Precedent, Part 2

How baseball's best team has fared in the postseason.

(BoopNote: Earlier Monday afternoon, we looked at how the top NHL teams have fared in the Stanley Cup playoffs recently. Here we ... painfully ... look at the same thing for baseball. We touch on the NFL (7 p.m.) and NBA (8 p.m.) later Monday evening and wrap it all up in one neat package (9 p.m.) before you hit the sheets.)

Only twice in the last 13 seasons has the baseball team (or teams) that finished with the best record sustained that through to a World Series title. The Phillies had a chance to do that in each of the last two years, but failed (as though you really needed to read that again). In fact, just five of the last 25 World Series winners had the best regular season record.

Here we look back to 2000: