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HUNTER PENCE is adapting to Philly just fine, thank you. The Phillies rightfielder, recently acquired from the Astros, has made his Twitter profile pic the back page of Monday's Daily News.

Hunter Pence has quickly become a favorite among Phillies fans. (Chris Schneider/AP)
Hunter Pence has quickly become a favorite among Phillies fans. (Chris Schneider/AP)Read more

HUNTER PENCE is adapting to Philly just fine, thank you. The Phillies rightfielder, recently acquired from the Astros, has made his Twitter profile pic the back page of Monday's Daily News.

How cool is that?

We hear he likes cheesesteaks, scrapple and Tastykakes, too.

Another nitwit Ryan

We can't wait until Sunday night, Oct. 30. That's when Rob Ryan, the new defensive coordinator of the Cowboys, will be in the Linc to play the Eagles.

And that's when Ryan - who is as dopey as his brother Rex, the Jets' head coach - will get a Philly-style welcome he'll never forget. Why, pray tell?

After Monday's practice, Rob Ryan decided to bring up the Eagles. Not by name exactly, but there is no doubt as to whom he was referring.

"I don't know if we win the all-hype team," Ryan is reported to have said. "I think that might have gone to somebody else. But we're going to beat their ass when we play them."

Sunday night, Oct. 30.

That pinhead better hope to God it doesn't snow.

Ace golfer

Tiger Woods might want to reconsider this whole caddie thing.

A good bagman can make a difference.

Just ask Hal Stupp, who made a hole-in-one on the 180-yard 12th at White Manor Country Club in Malvern.

Twice. In 7 days. With the same 5-iron.

Stupp aced the hole on July 21 and again on July 27.

"I wanted to hit a 6-iron [the second time] but my caddie [Pete Tashjian] said, 'Hit the 5-iron like you did the last time. Maybe you will get lucky again.' I'm glad I listened to him."