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DN letters: Trump has battled obstacles since his campaign began

I THOUGHT I was at the age and point of my life that nothing could really surprise me anymore, but I was wrong.

I THOUGHT I was at the age and point of my life that nothing could really surprise me anymore, but I was wrong.

The obstacles and uphill battles that Donald Trump has faced and is still facing is unbelievable.

Here's a man who did not have to run for president and leave his wonderful life and waste his money but he chose to in order to save our country from the mess and danger that the Obama administration has put us in.

From the day he threw his hat in the ring, he has had battle after battle. He is up against professional politicians; Democratic, Republican and independent parties and, most of all, the media, and won the nomination.

Since then, every day he is never given a chance to give his views or solutions for all of the major life-changing issues happening in our country. Everyone wants to make this a character/tax return type of election.

I don't care about what he said to another man or how crude and vulgar his language is. He was not running for president, was not secretary of state, was not a senator or congressman.

What I do care about is that Hillary Clinton has been in public service for 30 years but has done absolutely nothing but harm us.

Here's a woman who deleted thousands of emails. If you or I would have done 1 percent of what she has done in her crooked political career, we would be sitting in jail.

She and this administration put our country in grave danger, allowing foreign enemies and terrorist to grow stronger under their watch. They have not secured our borders and want to bring more illegal foreigners into our country.

I hope and pray America gets it right this time on Election Day.

Janice Di Joseph


Anyone who supported Donald Trump before his comments from 11 years ago boasting of sexually assaulting women came to light, but now "sees the light" and condemns him, has no credibility. Trump has, among his myriad attacks on fundamental American values, viciously attacked and smeared immigrants as purported rapists and drug dealers, belittled women, mocked prisoners of war and the physically disabled and condemned patriotic "gold star" parents solely because of their Islamic faith.

Meanwhile, he praises murderous anti-American dictators in Russia, Syria and North Korea and courts the support of white supremacists and anti-Semites. It shouldn't have taken Trump's latest comments for so many people to acknowledge what should have been obvious all along - that Trump is an absolutely despicable person.

Stephen A. Silver

San Francisco

Donald Trump's use of the P-word was wrong. However, he apologized for it, just as Hillary Clinton apologized for using a private server.

If Trump's use of the word upsets women, how can the likes of Sarah Silverman and Amy Schumer not be held to the same standard as Trump?

WikiLeaks is exposing just how corrupt the Democratic National Committee and the Clintons really are. These people are pure evil.

Dan Dvorak
