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Letters: Jones espouses hateful opinion

I'M WHITE; college educated, grew up in NE Philly, started and sold two businesses, and I'm a Republican. My mother left El Salvador with a seventh-grade education and made sure we learned how to fit in and work hard. My brother graduated from West Point. I've worked all my life since the age of 10.

I'M WHITE; college educated, grew up in NE Philly, started and sold two businesses, and I'm a Republican. My mother left El Salvador with a seventh-grade education and made sure we learned how to fit in and work hard. My brother graduated from West Point. I've worked all my life since the age of 10.

I read Solomon Jones' article - "White liberals can't abandon the issues that impact blacks" - and felt both sad and angry. I rarely read the Daily News. So Republicans are responsible for police brutality in urban environments? Is that your message? Is Baltimore run by the GOP? Philly? St. Louis? Before there was a Republican governor in Michigan, there was a Democrat one, so let's dispense with GOP blame for all wrongs in the U.S. It's wrong to require an ID to vote? That's called disenfranchisement? One needs an ID to do just about anything in life except vote . . . is that your message? Do black people really buy that message?

A friend of my son's who attended Temple and lives in Bucks County told my son that in the 2012 presidential election he voted at a polling place near his TU apartment. No one even checked his ID or whether he could vote there. That is called "election fraud" and that's why the GOP wants an ID check. Is that not too hard to comprehend? Do you remember how R levers were somehow "stuck" in Philly for the 2012 election? Who was disenfranchised? The GOP does not trust any result coming out of urban areas. Please don't tell me you're worried about fraud in the rural South; there are just too many more people in the cities in states with many more electoral votes.

I think if I were a white liberal, I would be shocked at your words. I'm nothing to you but a means to give your hate an extended shelf life by putting more incompetents into office who support "so-called" black issues. Someday maybe even white liberals will get tired of "black leaders" who get compensated either politically or economically by creating racial tension instead of focusing on the root issue . . . work hard, go to bed early, respect the law, get an education, do your homework, become friends with good people, avoid people who will get you in trouble and pray to God to be grateful for all you have in this wonderful country.

Instead leaders like you spew hate . . . the opposite of what MLK taught! Public schools have been a failure and not because they don't get enough funding. It's well documented that as a nation we are tops in education spending across most industrialized nations yet our performance is near the bottom. Libs just want more cash. It's the same old story. Parents need true educational choice to choose a school best suited for their child. Providing simply more funding for mismanaged schools is not the answer.

There are no shortcuts in life and life isn't fair either, so even when you give 110 percent there's no guarantee. But, your chances of success are much higher with hard work than if you do not. Why can't that be the message to blacks or to anyone? That's what I got from my mom every day, even though her English was not that good. We blamed no one but ourselves for any failures.

Keep giving blacks hope that government is the solution to all problems. After all, you can make quite a living doing this for years and it's much easier to write articles about the disenfranchisement tactics of the GOP than it is to talk about what every person needs to do to achieve success.

Let me know when you want to have a real dialogue. You might be surprised how open-minded a Republican really is.

Joe Boyle

Doylestown, Pa.

Trump is dangerous

If elected, President Trump has the potential to be more dangerous than any past or current dictator. Yet with "eyes wide shut," millions of ordinary Americans continue to support Trump, despite the numerous red flags. Gooble gobble, gooble gobble, they accept him, they accept him.

JoAnn Lee Frank

Clearwater, Fla.

Hillary's a doormat

No matter how you doll Hillary Clinton up, she will always be the world's most famous doormat, enabler, coattail-rider, and hopeless secretary of state.

Her frantic desire to become the first female U.S. president reminds me of a quip Debra Winger once made about Shirley MacLaine: "She has skin under her fingernails!"

Georgia Makiver

Lansdowne, Pa.