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Letters: We need more jobs, not slot machines

WE DON'T need another casino, especially by wannabe union buster Bart Blatstein. We need manufacturing jobs that put money in people's pockets, not take it out.

WE DON'T need another casino, especially by wannabe union buster Bart Blatstein.

We need manufacturing jobs that put money in people's pockets, not take it out.

City Council needs to grow a backbone and just say no to Bart!

Jim Hart


A black Autumn?

So this beautiful 12-year old girl, who happened to be white, was brutally murdered by two young black kids. As tragic as this crime is, it's just looked at as a crime.

I'm curious to know how it would be viewed if it was a black girl killed by two white kids. I can tell you, it would be turned into a racial effin' circus! Rev. Al, Rev. Jesse and all the others would be out exploiting this tragedy.

Instead of just coming out on the rare occasions that such horrible acts happen against black people, how about coming out on the many occasions when such crimes are caused within their own community and take some accountability for their actions?

Ryan Hannigan


The 16th minute

The question everyone is asking is, "Am I better off now than four years ago?" The answer I hear all the time is


. There is something fundamentally wrong with voting for a losing team. Why would we think the next four years will be any different? Has the president laid out a plan?


. Has he mentioned how he will put Americans back to work?


o. All we hear is "we got Bin laden" and "the automakers are back running."

Really, Mr. President, that's what you're giving us? Yes, you ordered the strike - after Hillary Clinton had to put you in a headlock to get you to do it. Yes, you ordered the strike, but don't forget that it was a Bush initiative that started the surveillance on the hideout. Do you remember when you ran four years ago, you said, "If I don't fix this, I won't run for re-election." You didn't fix it, so why are you running?

You were going to cut the deficit in half. Instead it doubled. You were going to get unemployment to 6%. It's at 7.8% and holding. You outwardly speak of cutting our military. You think that's a good idea? I am sure our enemies are listening. Also, let's proclaim the exact time we are pulling our troops out of the Middle East.

You are just another politician looking to keep his job and will say anything to get it done. Your 15 minutes are up, Mr. President, and if you ask me, it was 15 minutes too long.

Kenneth Carchidi
