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Letters: Politicians don't know how we struggle

TO THE good people of Philadelphia, the thought occurred to me that no one appreciates you even at Christmas. The economy is in a downward spiral, bills are piling up and our local politicians don't seem to care.

TO THE good people of Philadelphia, the thought occurred to me that no one appreciates you even at Christmas. The economy is in a downward spiral, bills are piling up and our local politicians don't seem to care.

Mayor Nutter comes off as fake in every photo-op. He should try to help his fellow citizens in any way that he can. Maybe he and all his fellow politicians should cut their salaries and see what it is like to barely get by.

We all are struggling. Whether you are a police officer, firefighter or Philadelphia Parking Authority lot officer, you need every dime you can get. It is a shame that these politicians don't care. You deserve better, Philadelphia.

The sad reality is that the politicians will look at this and laugh. While the rest of us live in the proverbial Pottersville, they live without having to worry about a single solitary thing.

If I were queen of the world, every citizen in this city would be given a fair chance to make something of themselves, the PPA execs would all be hauled off to jail, and, above all, George Bailey would be mayor of Philadelphia.

Angela Gudknecht, Philadelphia

nolead begins

McNabb exposed

The only problem Donovan McNabb had in Washington was he did not have Andy Reid to keep him in every game to the last game of the season to the last minute of the game, even when the Eagles were losing, 24-0, with Kevin Kolb and Michael Vick on the bench. This is a reflection of Reid's failure to take 11 years to understand what it took Mike Shanahan less than a season to see and fix. By the way, it wasn't Reid's idea (or Philly sports writers') to trade McNabb. Do you think the Eagles will win the Super Bowl? Watch what Reid does this year.

Mark Conte, Navarre, Fla.