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'SHE GAVE A great speech." "She is really cute." "She is a force to be reckoned with." These are just a few of the comments I heard after Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican convention. And my fear that comments like these will propel folks to vote for her who would never have considered voting for John McCain prompts me to write this letter.

'SHE GAVE A great speech." "She is really cute." "She is a force to be reckoned with."

These are just a few of the comments I heard after Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican convention. And my fear that comments like these will propel folks to vote for her who would never have considered voting for John McCain prompts me to write this letter.

Sarah Palin perfectly recited a speech that was written for her, a speech full of style and no substance. I ask, What do you believe in, and does Palin share those views? If the answer is no, then John McCain doesn't deserve your vote, and a vote for Sarah Palin puts John McCain one step closer to the presidency.

I'm pro-choice and Ms. Palin is pro-life. Why would anyone who is pro-choice vote for a ticket whose plan it is to overturn Roe vs. Wade?

I support "commonsense gun legislation." Sarah Palin is an avid member of the National Rifle Association, for whom the phrase "common-sense gun legislation" does not exist. Why would you vote for a ticket that protects the wishes of the NRA while thousands of young people continue to die?

Palin doesn't believe in sex education in the schools. She supports only abstinence being taught, which obviously did not work in her own home.

If you believe in sex education in the schools, and the right to teach young people about birth control, why would you vote for John McCain? (And why is the teenage pregnancy of her daughter viewed as a wonderful family event, but the teen pregnancy of a 17-year-old black girl is viewed as a tragedy?)

I believe in rights for all, including the gay community. While I haven't heard her speak on this subject, we all know the Republican Party would love to have the gay members of society not only "don't ask, don't tell," but would rather lock them back in the closet where they've lived for so long.

Terri Davis, Philadelphia

Beware of Sarah Palin. She's smart. Articulate. Assertive.

All good. But imagine that brains and energy applied, in a position of power, to implementing her beliefs:

No to all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest. Yes to banning books. No to tax cuts for the very rich. No to telling the truth. Yes to earmarks, and the bridge to nowhere - despite what she tells us on national TV.

Twenty percent of our vice presidents have become president. Can we afford the risk?

Katherine Conner, Philadelphia

What a transparent move Meat-head McCain made! He perceived a rift in the Clinton contingent and, as he runs second, thinks to sway the disgruntled Hillary voters to him with a woman veep. Well, at least he's aware of good-looking women in his dotage.

Michael Nolte, Bristol

Stuck with the bill

A recent article reports that an 11-year-old boy living in Southwest Philly attends Park Lane Elementary in Darby Boro.

Looks like his mom owes the William Penn School District some tuition money. I paid taxes for 35 years to the William Penn district and also paid to send four kids to the Catholic school system. Now it appears that I'm paying for Philly kids, too.

Ted Anderson, Havertown