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Some subplots worth following on Tuesday

Election results are one thing to watch for in Tuesday's primary races. Here are some others. With some Democratic voters mad at Mayor Nutter but even angrier that their only alternative is T. Milton Street Sr., how many people will skip over the race?

Election results are one thing to watch for in Tuesday's primary races. Here are some others.

With some Democratic voters mad at Mayor Nutter but even angrier that their only alternative is T. Milton Street Sr., how many people will skip over the race?

Will any of the 100 or so candidates on the ballot - for mayor, City Council, local judgeships, and so on - get more votes than Nutter?

What will John F. Street, now a registered independent ineligible to vote Tuesday, be doing to annoy Nutter on primary day?

Will U.S. Rep. Bob Brady, the city's Democratic Party chairman, leave his West Philadelphia 34th Ward headquarters to say sayonara to the party's Walnut Street headquarters, which will close for good after Tuesday? (The party will work from a new building on North Columbus Boulevard.)

Which ward leader and city commissioner candidate will collect more votes in her own ward - Stephanie Singer in Center City's Eighth Ward or Margaret Tartaglione in Mayfair's 62d?

Will retiring Councilwoman Joan Krajewski, who is supporting Marty Bednarek as her successor, get into a brawl with any Local 98 electrician who gets in her way? (Local 98's own Bobby Henon also wants her seat.)

Will more Latino voters turn out because of the fierce Seventh District Council race, featuring incumbent Maria Quiñones Sánchez, or more Asian voters because of the at-large candidacies of Andy Toy and David Oh?

With Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell and Councilman Curtis Jones facing no challengers, will anyone come out to vote in vote-rich West Philadelphia?

Will any elected official show up to eat lunch at both the Famous 4th Street Deli in Queen Village and Relish restaurant in West Oak Lane?

Who will bother to show up at the unfortunately timed 12:15 p.m. meeting of the Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority besides the authority's board, led by three-time mayoral candidate Sam Katz?

- Marcia Gelbart

After 36 years in office, she should know

Thursday's Council session was the final one before Tuesday's primary, when the makeup of the 17-member body could undergo a serious makeover.

At the end of the caucus that precedes each meeting, Council President Anna C. Verna, one of five retiring members, announced, "I'd like to wish everyone good luck on Tuesday."

She smiled as the members began to disperse and added: "We need more than luck. We need votes."

- Troy Graham