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It's not a good look to shut out black actors from Oscars

The hashtag “#Oscarssowhite” is trending on Twitter because some moviegoers are fired up about how actors of color have been snubbed by the Oscars.

YO, MEMBERS of the Academy of Motion Pictures, this is some bull----.

Excuse my profanity, but how is it that not a single actor of color was nominated for an Academy Award this year?

Not one.

It's infuriating.

Dudes, this is the second whiteout year in a row.

Today, on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, I'm appalled at how little progress has been made in this area.

It's not as if you didn't have some really outstanding choices.

You guys - Oscar voters, who are overwhelmingly white, male, and over 60 - ignored some really outstanding performances.

Did you not see Michael B. Jordan's incredible performance in the Rocky spin-off Creed? Or how about Will Smith in Concussion and Idris Elba in Beasts of No Nation?

I realize that Straight Outta Compton might not be your kind of thing, but considering its box-office success and critical acclaim, you'd think it would merit a best-picture nomination. Instead, it was only nominated for best original screenplay, the writers of which are both white.

Note to the academy: This is not a good look. No wonder the hashtags "#Oscarssowhite" and "Oscarsstillsowhite" are trending again on Twitter. Log on and see for yourself. Black Twitter is fired up.

MSNBC's Joy Reid tweeted, "#OscarsSoWhite black people can't even get nominated for the movies about black people ..."

And there was this from Clutch Magazine: "Yup, #OscarsSoWhite Again, But Did You Really Expect Anything Different? - It feels like Groundhog Day [sic]."

We went through the same thing last year when Selma got snubbed. I get it that it's not personal. I wouldn't even call it racist.

But you all need to be mindful that the racial makeup of the academy's body of voters means that the results will always be skewed toward white actors and nonminority-oriented projects. There's something wrong with that.

As pop-culture journalist Mark Harris pointed out on Twitter, "The older, white, male votership doesn't hate women, gays, black people. They're just not as interested in their/our stories."

He went on to Tweet, "but that said, the fact that the only nominations for Straight Outta Compton and Creed went to white people should not go unnoticed."

Sylvester Stallone is up for best supporting actor for his role as Rocky in Creed.

And, yes, there's Alejandro G. Iñárritu, the Mexican director of The Revenant, who's up for best director.

I'm annoyed.

"Even though people think a lot of strides have been made, we still have a long way to go," local filmmaker Rel Dowdell told me Thursday.

He's not lying. Still, I'll be watching the telecast, scheduled for Feb. 28.


I usually watch mostly for the fashion, but this year, I really want to see the host, comedian Chris Rock, go in hard on you guys for this. Y'all are making his job way too easy. Better brace yourselves.

As Women in Media tweeted Thursday afternoon, "We want @chrisrock to do an opening monologue, drop the mic, and walk off."

That would serve you right.


