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The real victims

We've forgotten who they are.

So our local media have decided that the real 'victims' in the Kermit Gosnell horror story are the women who went to him for late term aboritons.

I have a problem with this interpretation of some very bloody facts for on several grounds.

One, no one forced these women to wait until they were heavily pregnant to go to an abortionist.  Raising the money issue doesn't work, because Roe guarantees the 'right' to access abortion services, it doesn't give you the 'right' to have them paid for (thank God);

Second, it's very convenient for the choice crowd to weep bitter tears over the shabby way these 'mothers' (I choke using that term in this context) were treated.  It allows them to shift attention away from their complicity in creating Kermit Gosnells.

How?  Well, if we take the grand jury report at its word (and there's no reason not to,) the primary reason that Kermit Gosnell was permitted to ply his bloody trade was because very few people were paying attention.  At least, not the people who count, and could have done something to stop him.  Here's a chilling implication from the report taken from yesterday's Daily News editorial:

Contained in the report is the startling claim that the decision to ignore warnings and other evidence that Gosnell's clinic and others were substandard was political: The Department of Health's policy during Gov. Tom Ridge's administration was motivated by a desire not to be "putting a barrier up to women" seeking abortions; this policy was still in play when Ed Rendell became governor.

This never would have happened under Bob Casey, Sr.'s leadership.  Which just goes to show you how toxic the influence of the pro-choice movement has been, and continues to be.

On this 38th anniversary of Roe, let's take a moment to remember the real victims over the last four decades.  Since they no longer have voices, they can't be interviewed, can they?