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Q&A: When hamsters can be a wheel mistake

My 4-year-old son is begging for a hamster. Would this be a good "starter pet" for him?

Q: My 4-year-old son is begging for a hamster. Would this be a good "starter pet" for him?

A: My short response is no, and here's why:

* Hamsters are nocturnal. About the time your child is getting ready for bed, a hamster awakens and stays active throughout the night. A child will either sleep through his running on the wheel or be kept awake by it.

* Hamsters are grumpy if they're awakened and handled during the day. They may nip your child when he tries to play with them.

* Hamsters are escape artists. Small and speedy, they can escape a child's grasp and be off to a hiding place in seconds flat.

* Hamsters are solitary. Anyone who wants two hamsters should acquire two young hamsters of the same sex at the same time.

Who should have a hamster? Get one if you're a night owl or would enjoy interacting with one after a long day at work.

For a child who is at least 6 years old - the age at which kids can understand the need to handle hamsters gently - choose a sturdy species, such as a Syrian, amenable to handling when he's awake.

Limit dwarf hamsters and small species such as Chinese hamsters to children 12 or older.