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Her son is a klutz - or is there more to it?

DEAR ABBY: In short, my son is a klutz - to the point that it affects his self-confidence. He's different from everyone else in the family.

DEAR ABBY: In short, my son is a klutz - to the point that it affects his self-confidence. He's different from everyone else in the family.

Is being a klutz genetic? Is it permanent? He's not doing well academically, either. How can I help him?

- Parent Who Cares

DEAR PARENT: One way to help your son would be to stop other family members from making fun of him and labeling him as a klutz. When people laugh and ridicule others, it makes them only more self-conscious and more clumsy.

Another way to help would be to have him examined by an ophthalmologist and a neurologist. His problem may be poor depth perception, or a neurological or balance issue. And while you're at it, consider having him evaluated for a learning disability, which may be the cause of his academic difficulties.

DEAR ABBY: I have a pet peeve. I hate it when people ask to "try my meal" or to have a taste, especially when I haven't had one myself. When I say no, my boyfriend calls me selfish. If we're with friends, I feel obligated to say yes to avoid appearing rude.

I seldom trade bites with my boyfriend because I don't eat meat and he usually orders something I don't want. Some nights we cook our own separate meals, and he still asks to try mine (even though he's a better cook than I am).

Abby, how can I say no without looking or feeling selfish and rude? I just want to enjoy my entire meal without hearing, "Can I have a bite?"

- Pet Peeve in Portland

DEAR PET PEEVE: Many people regard sharing food to be an act of intimacy. Because it makes you uncomfortable, all you have to do is say, "I'd prefer not to." If these folks are friends, they must know how you feel about this by now. And as for your boyfriend, I can't help but wonder why he would persist in doing something that he knows annoys you unless he's doing it to tease you.