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Stu Bykofsky: A lesson to his country from 'American' Shahzad

THANK YOU, Faisal Shahzad, for your guilty plea - all boast, no contrition. You saved your fellow Americans the expense of a trial.

THANK YOU, Faisal Shahzad, for your guilty plea - all boast, no contrition. You saved your fellow Americans the expense of a trial.

Before you are whisked away to a super-max condo - not as comfy as Gitmo - may I use your own words to educate some of your fellow Americans, and some in our government? Your honesty offers us a sorely needed eye-opener.

In a few pictures, you look so normal, with the Bluetooth stuck in your ear, fancy shades over your eyes, too much product in your hair and too much hatred in your heart.

I know - or at least I believe - you don't represent a majority of Muslims, especially those in America.

Say - why did you become an American citizen, just months before beginning your terror training to kill and maim Americans?

You lied when you took an oath of allegiance to the United States, but the Quran permits a "Muslim soldier," as you describe yourself, to lie. It's called taqiyya.

You called yourself a Muslim soldier. As such, in your own words, you trained "to wage an attack inside the United States of America," because, "It's a war."

Learn the lesson Professor Shahzad is teaching.

He is a self-defined Muslim, not some curious, nondenominational, nonspecific "extremist," as our government and some others like to portray the enemy.

He and his ilk - the Taliban, al Qaeda, their allies, derivatives and other extremists - are engaged in a "war" (jihad) on us, not some gooey "overseas contingency operation," or whatever baffling circumlocution the administration will next dream up. Wasn't 9/11 a wake-up call?

Muslim extremists will remain at war with us "until the hour the U.S. pulls its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan, and stops the drone strikes in Somalia and Yemen and in Pakistan, and stops the occupation of Muslim lands, and stops killing the Muslims, and stops reporting the Muslims to its government," Professor Shahzad warned.

Quite a mouthful from the talkative turd.

Read his words carefully. Shahzad and his cohorts want us not just out of Iraq and Afghanistan; they demand we stop fighting our enemies and end what they call the "occupation of Muslim lands." Translation: Abandon any bases or friends you have in any Muslim nation. Get out! Let us take over, impose Sharia law and turn the clock back to the 12th century.

Professor Shahzad wants us to stop killing Muslims, and cease "reporting Muslims to the government." The usual Muslim default position: Always the aggrieved victim, never the aggressor.

A now-retired financial analyst, Professor Shahzad thrived in America before turning into a murderous, if inept, devil trying to bomb civilians in Times Square. To him, he was following his faith.

Just a day or two before Professor Shahzad had his day in court, American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn (this traitor needs a visit from a drone) called President Obama bad names and restated the terror group's conditions for peace with America.

To Professor Shahzad's demands, Gadahn added that we free Muslim prisoners, abandon Israel and end involvement in the affairs of Muslims. He turned Obama's wish to close Gitmo on its head by saying it results in "Muslim-only concentration camps in Illinois."

No person of reason ever wins an argument with a fanatic.

Muslim extremists want Westerners off the Arabian Peninsula because that is Muslim land and the Quran says any land once Muslim is forever Muslim.

And they say we are arrogant? Imagine Europe saying it is Christian land, closed to Muslims.

Our enemies now are offering us a "peace," as Nazi Germany offered Britain in 1939 and '40. All we have to do is strike our colors, abandon our friends and crawl into a hole on our continent.

Then they'll leave us alone, if we believe them.

Winston Churchill didn't believe the Nazis, and I don't believe the Muslim terrorists.

Once we start running, where do we stop?

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