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Biden pushes "green" jobs at Philly confab

Vice President Joe Biden is in Philadelphia for his first official Middle Class Task Force meeting.

Vice President Joe Biden said today that making buildings more energy efficient will both benefit the environment and create jobs.

In Philadelphia for his first official Middle Class Task Force meeting, Biden focused on a green theme as remedy to the nation's economic troubles.

Even before the meeting began at the University of Pennsylvania's William B. Irvine Auditorium,
Biden said in a commentary in today's Inquirer that work such as weatherizing 400,000 row homes in Philadelphia would have a positiive impact on jobs and the environment.

"Investing in green jobs also means keeping up with the modern economy," he wrote. "At a time when good jobs at good wages are harder and harder to come by, we must find new, innovative opportunities."

Joining the discussion were Gov. Rendell, Mayor Nutter, and members of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation, including Sens. Arlen Specter (R) and Bob Casey (D) and Reps. Chaka Fattah and Robert Brady, both Philadelphia Democrats.

The meeting was closed to public.