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Kimberly Garrison: Exercising daily is the key to good health

WHILE IT MAY seem obvious, too many Americans still resist accepting the simple truth that daily exercise would likely do more to improve their health than a cadre of specialists or the latest pharmacological miracle drug.

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WHILE IT MAY seem obvious, too many Americans still resist accepting the simple truth that daily exercise would likely do more to improve their health than a cadre of specialists or the latest pharmacological miracle drug.

That's right, and this activity can be something as simple as a 30-minute walk. And I don't mean power walking with weights in your hands - just walking at a rate that you can still talk comfortably.

Besides, you already know exercise can make you look younger and more fit, and improve your mood, too.

So what's stopping you?

I see you need more convincing. Here are three more reasons to get stared on this lifelong journey sooner, as opposed to later:

1. Exercise promotes weight loss: So you know that as little as 30 minutes a day can put you into the driver's seat to weight loss (and the real bonus, better health). The key is making it part of your daily routine.

Forget about being a weekend warrior - just keep it simple, and do it regularly. Research consistently shows the benefits of regular exercise, especially when trying to promote weight loss.

2. It's good for your ticker: Last time I checked, heart disease was still the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. Every 20 seconds, someone has a heart attack; every 60 seconds, someone dies from a heart attack. That certainly sheds light on the situation.

OK, so here are a few reasons why daily exercise is good for your heart: It reduces artery-clogging LDL cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, reduces stress, improves blood sugar, decreases blood clots and improves circulation. Do you need more evidence?

3. Beats stress and depression: It's common knowledge that exercise is by far one of the best ways to manage stress and depression.

Exercise can be your personal sanctuary, a moving meditation - your temporary vacation from the daily grind. After exercise, you'll feel renewed and rejuvenated - you'll be ready to take on the world!

Depression is also best managed with exercise, because it triggers a variety of hormones, like endorphins and opiates, that explode in your brain. This enhances your optimism.