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Occupational Therapy

Protest Essentials

We've got to hand it to those Occupy Philly kids, braving the elements to stand up for their principles. To show our solidarity (because we prefer to sleep in our beds, rather than the grounds of City Hall), we've compiled a handy list of essentials to make their protest that much more enjoyable.

Groceries to pack in your hemp tote

Brad's Raw Kale Chips: Made in Bucks County, sold at corporate giant Whole Foods or indie Essene (719 S. 4th St.), $6.99 for a 3-oz. bag.

Granola: Homemade, of course.

Chamomile tea: To help you sleep on the sidewalk.

Green tea: To wake you up on the sidewalk.

Takeout menu from Cherry Street Chinese Vegetarian Kosher Restaurant: Just in case.

Yoga poses to get you limber — and noticed

Crisscross applesauce: Sit cross-legged on a blanket or two. Rest hands on thighs, palms up. Close eyes. Chant "Om."

Warrior two: Stand with legs wide apart. Turn hips and torso 90 degrees to the right. Bend front (right) knee 90 degrees. Keep back leg straight. Spread arms wide. Gaze past front (right) hand. Look fierce. Repeat on left side. Look fierce again.

Headstand: Now that'll get their attention.

Restrooms to sneak into

Ritz-Carlton Hotel, right across the street. Try the side door facing City Hall.

Macy's: Take escalator to third floor. Restrooms are in women's lingerie.

Food court downstairs at the Bellevue: It's kind of a hike, but no one will bat an eye.

Suburban Station: Enjoy a luxurious sink bath!

City Hall: Surely they've got a place to go.

Songs to learn on your acoustic guitar

"We Shall Overcome": Duh.

"The Times They Are a-Changin'": You just can't escape Dylan at these things.

"Merchandise": It's always fun to shout that Fugazi lyric, "You are not what you own!"

"Born in the U.S.A.": Everyone likes Bruce Springsteen.

"Do You Hear the People Sing": From "Les Miserable." Come on, people, get a sense of humor.

Movies to catch up on

"Inside Job": It may have won Eagles owner Jeff Lurie — definitely a one percenter — an Oscar, but it's also a searing indictment of the financial sector.

"Wall Street": Know thy enemy.

"Fight Club": Well, that's one way to do it

"Norma Rae": "Forget it! I'm stayin' right where I am. It's gonna take you and the police department and the fire department and the National Guard to get me outta here!"

"The Battleship Potemkin": A master class in filmmaking and effective propaganda.

Books to check out of the library (sure to attract the attention of that certain comely protester)

Letter from a Birmingham Jail": Want to stage a successful nonviolent protest that gets results? Martin Luther King Jr. did it. Learn from the best, son.

Gandhi, An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth": See above.

Common Sense: Sure, Thomas Paine was writing about American independence, but he also calls for social equality.

Profit Over People: We went with Noam Chomsky over other activists of his ilk (see: Zinn, Howard) because of his Philly roots. Pick up this 1999 critique of pro-corporate policies.

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine: Want to know why you're all there? "Moneyball" and "The Blind Side" writer Michael Lewis explains what caused the housing bubble in plain and simple English.

Other places to occupy if you need a change of pace

The valet parking area outside Neiman Marcus at the King of Prussia Mall: Valet? Seriously, it's a mall. We'd wager it's more parking lot than shopping space.

Suburban Square in Ardmore: Just not in front of the farmer's market. That place is good.

The Waterworks: Decadence abounds.

Toppers Spa: If you sneak away to get a massage, we won't tell anyone.

Gladwyne Exit of I-76: Hit the one percent where it hurts: at home.


Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap: You can wash your hair, brush your teeth and even wash your clothes with it. For the love of god, please do.