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Letters: Jail for Fumo is a real injustice

THE WHOLE idea of Vincent Fumo going to jail is ridiculous. He's a great man who's done many good things for this state, and he made a mistake.

THE WHOLE idea of Vincent Fumo going to jail is ridiculous. He's a great man who's done many good things for this state, and he made a mistake.

There's a reason no one noticed the money he took - all the other good things he was doing in the Senate. If anyone thinks Fumo is an example of corrupt politics, they need to look into a lot of politicians in Philadelphia.

Nick DiDonato, Philadelphia

No rationing on health care

As health-care restructuring is debated, I'm very concerned at the real possibility of rationing. Any health-care plan providing coverage for the uninsured must have a sustainable, reliable means of full funding so we don't over-promise, only to have the budget come up short in the long term, forcing rationing.

The plan must also protect Americans from rationing or denial of treatment based on age, disability or "quality of life." Plus, health-care reform must not provide for abortion on demand.

Deacon John Luko Jr., Williamstown, N.J.

Stu, just enjoy the music

Stu Bykofsky's July 7 column comparing John Lennon and Michael Jackson was apples and oranges. They were from different generations and musical genres.

I grew up surrounded by Jackson's influence, but transcend my age group in my absolute awe of the Beatles and Lennon's solo career. I say they were equally influential and simply can't be compared.

The media should leave both John and Michael to rest in peace and enjoy the beautiful music they left behind for us.

Donna Di Giacomo, Philadelphia

Breed not the elephants

Philadelphia is bereft of elephants, at least temporarily, with many local citizens believing that the animals have moved to a bucolic sanctuary in southwestern Pennsylvania.

But Kallie and Bette's new living quarters mimic their prior home - cement barn, small fenced-in pen, keepers dominating them with bullhooks - with one big difference: no public scrutiny.

The zoo's spin has already started with claims that there are no current plans to breed Kallie and Bette (despite statements that the elephants were moving to Pittsburgh to be bred) and that their health would be "evaluated" before any breeding attempts.

It is well-documented that breeding an elephant for the first time over the age of 24 is life-threatening. (Kallie and Bette are both 27 and have never been bred.)

The zoo needs to start putting the elephants' welfare first and take breeding them completely off the table.

Marianne Bessey, Lansdowne

Faithful monogamy

Re Jenice Armstrong's column on Steve McNair:

I've been faithfully married for 20 years and have friends who top that. Just look at the women in this city who are burdening the system with children from different fathers, just to "git" with them for their cars, money or whatever.

Jim Lynch, Langhorne