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Steve & Mia: A pregnant pause

He met a pregnant woman in a bar. Should he date her?

Q: I met a great girl during trivia night at the bar where I hang out. But when she went to the ladies room, I noticed that she was pregnant. I didn't say anything and neither did she. I saw her again at the bar and wound up asking her out for dinner. We had a great time - she's really nice. But I feel weird dating a pregnant woman. What should I do?

Mia: Be very careful. The fact that she's hanging out in bars pregnant says something about her. Also, what if you fall in love? Will you be all right with dealing with a child not your own?

She may need a whole lot of support, financial and otherwise, as she gets closer to her due date. Are you willing to give it?

Only you can answer these questions. The fact that you're writing us shows that you have doubts. Proceed with caution.

Steve: Was she wearing a wedding ring?

Q: I came downstairs the other night and caught my teenage daughters twerking. One was bent over with her hands on the floor, moving like a stripper at Delilah's. I yelled and made them go to their rooms. I'm thinking of grounding them. I don't want to be some old-fogey dad, but the thought of them moving like that at a school dance burns me up. Their mother isn't around, so it's all on me. I'm not sure what to do.

Mia: You're doing OK, so far. But you need to sit down with your girls and explain why you object to their making like Miley Cyrus. Share your values and your expectations for them as young ladies. Do it in a loving way. And don't be surprised if you have to repeat the conversation until they get it.

Steve: Girls will be girls. Make it clear that such behavior in a public setting is a bad idea. List the reasons why.