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Boss doesn't care for Obamacare

He told his employees to complain to Congress.

DEAR HARRY: I work for a retail store in Center City. We have about 60 employees. From the beginning, the boss has urged us to try to kill the new Affordable Care Act. He has given us sample letters to send to our representatives in Congress. He warned us that he will have to cut our hours so we won't be covered. Can he do this? What about very large employers?

WHAT HARRY SAYS: Beginning next year, companies with more than 50 full-time employees will have to choose between adequate and affordable insurance or get hit with an annual penalty of $2,000 per full-time employee (with the first 30 employees excluded). Full-time employees are those who work at least 30 hours a week. This penalty can get to be rather stiff, and it kicks in if even one full-time employee gets a subsidy. With 60 employees, 30 will be excluded and 30 will create a penalty of $60,000 a year. Will many employers go this route? Certainly there will be die-hards who will, but most will not. Let's also remember that there are many millions who do not have insurance who now will be covered. Furthermore, we need only look to Massachusetts or California to see how it can and will work.