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Tell Me About It: Her mom criticizes her parenting skills

Adapted from a recent online discussion. Question: Our bright, kind, and clever son, almost 5, was doing well in his previous preschool, but the transition to his new pre-K class has been bumpy.

Question: Our bright, kind, and clever son, almost 5, was doing well in his previous preschool, but the transition to his new pre-K class has been bumpy.

He always has been considerably behind his peers with focus and impulse control, and still desperately needs a daily nap. He is being evaluated and is already in speech therapy. Between his rough days at school and managing all the evaluations, it has been incredibly stressful.

How do I deal with the fact that he is quickly becoming the kid that other kids go home and talk about? I am starting to notice looks and whispers. I cry nearly every day when I pick him up.

I cannot talk about this with my family. My mother has told me for years that the problem is my parenting. I'm "not strict enough" and I "should just make them listen better."

We are getting ready to spend four days with them for Thanksgiving, and I really may slap my mother if she criticizes my parenting one more time. My sister and I were very compliant children, and she has absolutely no clue how hard it is to manage a child with these issues.

Answer: First, if you can skip the Thanksgiving visit, do. Seriously. If your little family needs a lower-stress long weekend at home, stand up on your mama-bear haunches and seize it.

Second, there is absolutely no imperative to keep your kid on the school-readiness treadmill if he's not ready for it. Is there another school better suited to an impulsive kid - less sitting, more movement? Start looking. Setting him up for frustration and failure serves no purpose here, educational or emotional.

Third, some hints: Wear your kid out. Active, impulsive kids behave better after they burn off energy. If your neighborhood isn't enough, sign him up for swim lessons and ice skating lessons and a play gym and and and - whatever you can manage.

And fourth, for managing judgy relatives, make these points in a come-to-Jeez-Mom conversation:

"Son isn't OtherKids, Mom. He doesn't sit still, his development hasn't gotten there yet, and it might never, and setting expectations he can't meet is cruel."

"Raising him - which includes figuring out and giving him what he needs when I have no example to follow in my family - is the hardest thing I've ever done."

"Therefore, your criticism is acutely painful without being helpful. If being strict were the answer, it would have worked by now, because, believe me, I have tried."

"I would love your support. If you can't give it, though, then I ask that you at least stop criticizing."

If she refuses to, say that it breaks your heart, but you'll be keeping your distance indefinitely. Then stick to it.

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