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Bye-bye 90s?

Extreme heat refreshingly absent from outlooks.

On Thursday, the official temperature reached 90 at Philadelphia International Airport for the 35th time this year.

It is not clear when we will see Day 36. The high should come quite close to 90 on Friday, but the longer-range forecasts foresee a turn toward more-normal temperatures the rest of the month.

Not a heat-wave is in sight. Going along with ideas in both the European and U.S. models, the Commodity Weather Group, in Washington, calls for normal temperatures through the 15-day period.

After Friday, Accu-Weather doesn't have another 90 in the extended dailies through August.

Philadelphia is right on the normal/above boundary in today's two-week outlook posted by the Climate Prediction Center. The climate center sees normal temperatures in the East, except right along the coast, in part because of high ocean temperatures.

Even if temperatures for the rest of the month play out normally, however, the summer would come in around 77.8 degrees, and 2012 would finish among the top 10 warmest.

It wouldn't crack the top 5, or match last summer or the summer before -- the warmest on record -- but 2.6 degrees above normal is one big pain in the electric bill.

We also note that the top 10 would be a strictly modern distinction since all 10 off the hottest summers would have occurred since 1991.

Adding this year to the list would bump out 1900 from the 10th spot.