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The 10 commandants of how to grow out your eyebrows

Eyebrows are having a serious moment right now. The full, natural look is still a strong trend—and perhaps the best one. Fuller brows create a more youthful appearance and can frame the face beautifully.

Eyebrows are having a serious moment right now. The full, natural look is still a strong trend—and perhaps the best one. Fuller brows create a more youthful appearance and can frame the face beautifully.

But the skinny arched brows of the 90s and early 2000s left many of us with sparse, skimpy eyebrows.   Myself not excluded from this group, I decided two years ago to begin growing out my eyebrows.

The process was not pretty. Well meaning friends and family looked at my eyebrows and gently mentioned that it's time to get them waxed again. There were many times I almost gave up and did resort to waxing once.

Now I can say I'm finally at a good place with my brows and to this day, I still see new hairs pop up and I don't think they have grown back 100 percent to their pre over plucking stage.

I outline my full eyebrow routine on my blog here, but below are my rules to follow for a successful eyebrow rehab:

  1. Thou shall not wax.

  2. Thou shall not tweeze.

  3. Keep brows as neat as possible by trimming them often.

  4. Do not covet thy neighbor's brows. The whole point of the full brow movement is keeping it natural. If your natural brow doesn't look like Cara Delevingne's, please don't try to fake it.

  5. Thou shall define brows using an eyebrow gel, pomade, or pencil.

  6. Thou shall fill in sparse brows using an eyebrow pencil or powder.

  7. Keep your brow products one shade lighter than your natural brows for a more natural look.

  8. Do get an angled eyebrow brush with a spooly at the other end. It will be your brow's best friend.

  9. For low maintenance brows, use eyebrow gel.

  10. 10.  Stay away from 'Instagram' eyebrows (do a search…and just say no).