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Progressive trifecta

It was a Big Week for the Left, with wins on gay marriage, ObamaCare and the Confederate flag

I'm not bouncing off the walls in excitement over the U.S. Supreme Court's rulings on ObamaCare or gay marriage because the court ruled as I expected it would.

Hard to get excited about the inevitable.

With gay marriage, SCOTUS clearly is following the public will, which is often, but not always, a good thing. Public will is no more infallible than the court.

With ObamaCare, Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion in a way that won't permit a future president to rescind it. Not even Mitt Romney. Like Social Security and Medicare, it is here to stay.

The court found was that what the law said, it did not mean. It meant something else. And the court filled in the blank.

I find that troubling, intellectually. If I were a Supreme, I would have kicked it back to Congress for a rewrite.

As to the rebel flag, having the states decide to haul it down was welcome. Some of my Facebook friends complained it had been "banned," but that's not the case. It can still be displayed on private property and elsewhere.

I think what's happened is that it is shunned, and it ought to be.

I don't think it ought to be "banned" any more than displays of Nazi memorabilia. The display of such hateful items says a lot about the person displaying it.

It is "political speech" in nature and must be permitted — and ignored.