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Larry Mendte admits to an "improper" relationship with Alycia Lane

moments ago said he and

had a "flirtatious, unprofessional and improper relationship," which his wife Fox 29's

discovered when he had left personal e-mails between the pair up on his computer screen at his work when she came to visit him at the office. Once that relationship ended is when Mendte and Lane began feuding, he said. Mendte went on to explain in great detail about how he accessed Lane's emails and admitted sharing information obtained in her e-mails to reporters. He apologized to Lane and asked that the "long mutually destructive feud come to an end. "  Earlier today Mendte plead guilty in U.S. District Court to one felony count of hacking into Lane's personal e-mail account. He'll be sentenced November 24 by U.S. District Judge

. Mendte faces up to five years in prison, but sources close to the case suggest it is unlikely he will go to jail.

» READ MORE: Here's a link to the full transcript of Mendte's statement

this evening, but below is the new shocking admission of an inappropriate relationship between the former co-anchors.

Lane's attorney

held his own press conference tonight in which he tore Mendte a new one, calling his behavior "sick and sadistic." Rosen said he refused to discuss any flirtation only Mendte accepting criminal reponsibility. Rosen described Mendte's statement as "an attempt to get good press once more by trying to hurt Alycia Lane." " He has not learned his lesson," Rosen told reporters tonight. Rosen took exception to reports that Mendte will likely not receive jail time and reminded the media that he faces up to five years in prison. Rosen said Mendte must be punished for his actions. When the


questioned Rosen about Mendte's perceived admission of "adultery", Rosen grew angry, shouting "I didn't hear him say adultery, or sexual affair...He never said one word about an affair" Rosen threatened reporters that anyone who publishes allegations of an affair between Mendte and Lane would be exposed to a lawsuit. Rosen went on to say there were no words Mendte could offer that would possibly undo the harm that he and CBS 3 have caused Lane.

"Larry Mendte, like all CBS 3 employees, was treated professionally and fairly during his tenure here. His allegations are totally without merit," said CBS 3 spokeswoman

tonight in reaction to Mendte's remarks about station management, which included an assertion that the station sided with Lane in the Mendte/Lane feud and also a claim that CBS 3 general manager

once told Mendte he wished he could have fired him.