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Narberth Borough Council Candidates: Ken Jacobs

Ken Jacobs, a 25-year Narberth resident, is running for Surge Ghosh’s open Borough Council seat because he wants to maintain Narberth’s charm, while improving transparency for processes such as obtaining building permits.

Ken Jacobs's motivation to run for Narberth Borough Council is two fold – his 25 years living in the borough, and what he believes is confusion and inconsistency with building and inspection.

"I felt rather than just complain, I needed to step up and work from the inside if that was a possibility, and this is my opportunity," Jacobs, 48, said.

Jacobs, a co-founder of the start-up book publishing company, Clinical Research Resources, and a 1995 Drexel University M.B.A. graduate, fixed up the 207 Conway Ave. property ten years ago. He said this experience with the lengthy permit process and inconsistent regulations made him realize why some contractors told him they wouldn't work in Narberth.

"Why is the guy around the corner is able to put up a property line that violates every single part of the zoning code, while someone else gets fined for replacing a broken door?" Jacobs asked. "We need consistency and transparency."

Building and inspection concerns aside, Jacobs felt a moral obligation to run for the open council seat to help maintain the tight-knit community.

"The overarching reason I feel responsible to [serve on] the borough is because it's been good to me and I'd like to give to back," he said.

Jacobs said he'd like to work with the building and zoning committee to make the downtown area more progressive for the commercial district.

"Growing up, I remember there being an old shoe store, and a farmer's market," he said. "Now, I think we have too many insurance agencies and not enough old fashioned retailers."

Jacobs said his work experience was invaluable in preparing him for council, teaching him to balance the interests of business and client expectations. He said the role would be similar to a spot on council, showing that "business and politics do run parallel tracks."

Business experience aside, Jacobs's leadership experience includes more than 10 years service as a Habitat for Humanity recruiter, work as a board member of the Philadelphia AIDS Fund 10 years ago and his determination to be a good neighbor and father, by setting an example and picking up trash and litter every time he sees it.

Jacobs adopted his son Ross when he was three months old. Jacobs wants his now six-year-old son to experience the same Narberth that he had while growing up.

"The thing I love most about Narberth is that you know your neighbors, you look after them and they look after you," Jacobs said. "That's the charm of the borough, and it's a great thing we've got going … years from now, I'd like Narberth to be right where it is in that respect."