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We rock sweatpants in Philadelphia

It seems like the world can't get enough fun poking fashion jabs at us. This week Time Magazine and Glamour Mag pointed out that our fair city is not only known for cheesesteaks and the Liberty Bell, but we're also the No. 1 comfort city, because Philadelphia is the nation's top per capita consumer of sweatpants.

It seems like the world can't get enough fun poking fashion jabs at us.

This week Time Magazine and Glamour Mag pointed out that our fair city is not only known for cheesesteaks and the Liberty Bell, but we're also the No. 1 in comfort, because Philadelphia is the nation's top consumer per capita of sweatpants.


The data, courtesy of Experian Simmons, reveals that Philadelphians bought the most sweatpants for the second year in a row. (New York is seventh, Los Angeles is eighth, and Pittsburgh is third.)

At first glance, I was highly offended. Why is Philadelphia always the butt of fashion jokes? Why are we always pigeon-holed as an unposh peoples?

We've got style. We've got class. We have The Philadelphia Collection and FBH Philadelphia Fashion Week. We have our very own Center City, Vogue-sanctioned Fashion's Night Out. We've Saks Fifth Avenue on the Main Line, Joan Shepp and Knit Wit. Our own Intermix. And Tory Burch is from our region.

We are the bomb!

But then I thought maybe this comfort label is not a bad thing. Maybe it's just proof we're getting our fitness on, so that we can look fabulous when we're coiffed? Or maybe we know that comfortable people are always the most stylish?

What think you readers? Is this "most comfortable" label harmful to our burgeoning fashion cred? Is there something inherently wrong with sweatpants? Does comfortable translate to lazy and just not fashionable? You decide. Help me out, cyberspace.