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Al Lord: McCord 'best for Penn State;' backs Spanier vs Freeh lawsuit

Will Penn State split affect governor's race?

Update from Albert L. Lord, the former Sallie Mae CEO who's running for an alumni seat on the Penn State board: 

One week ago I asked your support to get nominated. I received notice Tuesday I am an official nominee... I have begun two separate actions which, combined with the board seat, can accelerate our efforts:

First, I have actively engaged with [fired former Penn State President] Graham Spanier to sue Louis Freeh [author of the Freeh Report critical of Penn State's past management] for the purposeful harm he has caused. Also I have contributed to the candidacy of Commonwealth Treasurer, Rob McCord, in his run for Pennsylvania Governor...

[Lord gave McCord $500,000. He is McCord's leading contributor so far.]

I believe Rob is Penn State's best hope in Harrisburg. Rob reached out to me through [State Sen.] John Yudichak, a friend and avid Penn Stater who shares our sentiments. Both John and Rob have a keen interest in the events surrounding Penn State and seek fair treatment for Penn State from the Commonwealth... Importantly, Rob has promised to upgrade the Board of Trustees.

How can you help? I seek to enlarge the voting base—only about 3% of alums vote... Also, please learn for yourself Rob McCord's positions on Penn State and then please seriously consider voting for him in May's Democrat primary (You must register Democrat to do so but it is worth it.)

Will Lord and other critics of Gov. Corbett's role in Penn State management succeed in persuading reformers to make this an issue in this year's Pennsylvania governor's race? We'll know more when Penn State counts the ballots in its own board election, due in April.