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"Yes We Can Can"

Just in time for Super Tuesday -- Barack Obama, the Musical.

Making the viral rounds this weekend was a real toe-tapper of a campaign video:

It's of the Black Eyed Peas singing along to Obama's speech after the New Hampshire South Carolina primary, an already famous piece of speechifying known as "Yes We Can" for its fevered refrain.

The music video is jammed with cameos from Scarlett Johansson, Herbie Hancock, John Legend, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Adam Rodriguez, Amber Valetta, Nick Canon, Kelly Hu (I miss any?). Bob Dylan's other son, Jesse, helped produce it.

ABC News talked to the producers:

"It made me reflect on the freedoms I have, going to school where I went to school, and the people that came before Obama like Martin Luther King, presidents like Abraham Lincoln that paved the way for me to be sitting here on ABCNews and making a song from Obama's speech," said.

"The speech was inspiring about making change in America and I believe what it says and I hope everybody votes," Dylan said.

It's the talk of blog nation, at least for the moment. But not all is glowing.

Red State Blues found itself moved. But not Jeff Jarvis at Buzzmachine, who favors Hillary Clinton. (At least her videos.)

"Nice beat," Jarvis wrote, "but can you lead to it?"

Here are some other reactions.

At TeeVee, Warner James Au asks: This November, will a politician get undermined by an ill-conceived viral video made by his own supporters? That's the thought I had after watching "Yes We Can", a new YouTube video currently storming The Viral Video chart. It's a putative tribute to Senator Barack Obama's stirring words after the New Hampshire primary, directed by Jesse Dylan with music by of The Black Eyed Peas. (Who's better known for his stirring words, "Whatcha gonna do with all that junk … inside your trunk?")

"Slick," wrote weapons-grade pandemonium at Metafilter. "But good slick."

Doesn't this guy deserve a credit?

Posted 02/04/2008 03:18:08 PM
Sweet, a leading pro-Mumia artist backing Obama........Lets go vote for Obama
Posted 02/05/2008 02:41:54 AM
Rapper/singer Common is in there a few times.
AUTHOR: Can Can Fancy Dress

Posted 03/17/2009 12:07:15 PM
Such a great video/song.

Yes we did!!!