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Christie's excellent proposal

Mandatory inpatient drug treatment for low-level offenders

Chris Christie wants to send non-violent drug offenders to rehab rather than prison.

The proposal, which seems to have gotten buried amid the perpetual avalanche of gubernatorial news-making, was contained in one of the most eloquent passages of the governor's State-of-the-State address on January 17.

"(L)et us reclaim the lives of those drug offenders who have not committed a violent crime…by investing time and money in drug treatment – in an in-house, secure facility – rather than putting them in prison," Christie said. "Experience has shown that treating non-violent drug offenders is two-thirds less expensive than housing them in prison. And more importantly – as long as they have not violently victimized society – everyone deserves a second chance, because no life is disposable.

"I am not satisfied to have this as merely a pilot project; I am calling for a transformation of the way we deal with drug abuse and incarceration in every corner of New Jersey.

"So today I ask this Legislature and the Chief Justice to join me in this commitment that no life is disposable.

"I propose mandatory treatment for every non-violent offender with a drug abuse problem in New Jersey, not just a select few. It will send a clear message to those who have fallen victim to the disease of drug abuse – we want to help you, not throw you away. We will require you to get treatment. Your life has value. Every one of God's creations can be redeemed. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Bravo, Governor.