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Did Comcast Build a Giant Memory Stick?

So, they're done with the Comcast Center?

I kept thinking there was some sort of work stoppage, like the construction crew had bailed before finishing the job. I figured at least they were going to snap something on the top, but no.

To me it looks like a giant memory stick. The kind you shove into a USB drive.

My friend, The Perfessor, has a different view of what Philadelphia's tallest skyscraper resembles.

"Rebar. Rebar without the concrete."

Earlier he had likened it to a giant pigeon coop.

Jon Adams, a Penn law student who took that spiffy photo on the left, started off praising the building by e-mail, then noted how "alien and cold" it seemed, especially compared with that Second Empire classic on which Billy Penn stands.

Am I just a cretin? Would I not know great architecture even if I walked into it? (Ooh, my nose.)

I just sauntered around the newsroom soliciting opinions of what the tower looks like.

"That obelisk from 2001" one writer said.

"That stick that Superman throws that turns into the Fortress of Solitude," said another.

"A remote control," said a third.


Posted 03/14/2008 06:47:25 PM
at night it looks like AKU from the cartoon Samurai Jack.
Posted 03/14/2008 06:47:47 PM
at night it looks like AKU from the cartoon Samurai Jack.
Posted 03/15/2008 11:49:36 AM
NO, no, no you guys have got it all wrong. The Comcast Center is meant to resemble "The All Seeing Eye" It's Masonic Symbology to match the rest of the Masonic Skyline such as the ziggurat (Verizon Tower) and the pyramid (Melon Building). Or if your having trouble seeing the "The All Seeing Eye", think 'Lord of the Rings' and the Tower of Mordor. Either way,"All Hail the Great Eye"! 
Sally Swift
Posted 03/17/2008 04:56:28 PM
I could be wrong ...naah... but I think it's meant to look like a cable signal tower. At least it resembles the early Comcast ones in Mississippi in the 60s.

I like Dan's take best. My only other suggestion would be, well, it sort of resembles a middle finger... 
Posted 03/17/2008 05:52:38 PM
It's like a lego set up on its end.  The space on the one side of it looks like they're gonna install a giant tv set in the opening.  IT IS UGLY- has no life or rhythm to it like the rest of the skyline. It is a big unimaginative uninteresting building at this point.  I will cringe if they light it up on top with cycling colored lights like they do that strip club on Delaware Ave and the upside-down Chinese take out container on top of Symphony House. 
It's too bad that there couldn't be some sort of synergy between this cold impersonal lumbering hulk and the rest of the dancing skyline. It's very COMCASTIC! BIG, Impersonal and monopolistically (wherever you are in the city) unavoidable. 
Posted 03/18/2008 09:41:03 AM
We once had a skyline that was modest and chaste, something distinctively Philadelphian. Now we've become smitten with skyline building--as if generic tapered boxes, ersatz Chrysler Buildings, and goofy 1500' bee stingers a great city make. Why  do we exasperate ourselves over building pods for office workers?  Is this a good index of our urban health?  
Posted 03/19/2008 05:12:29 PM
I think Dan's got it just right; it really does look like a memory stick, except for that weird cutout in it.
speedy V
Posted 03/20/2008 10:31:12 PM
I swear, I was just telling my good friend the architect I thought the building looked incomplete, unfinished, and you go and post this similar observation on your blog. Brilliant minds think alike -- all the way back to Norfolk. 
The Celt
Posted 03/21/2008 09:57:20 PM
Dan, I think you just named the building!! We need to start the official campaign to get this thing called "The Memory Stick", whether Comcast likes it or not.

"Meet me at the Memory Stick." Get used to the sound of that.
rent a car
Posted 05/16/2009 06:13:43 AM