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That's Why They Call It The Waterfront

It may be good for growing, but not sure how the rain's going to play at Farm Aid.

The skies opened just as I hit the Camden waterfront. The rain's not that steady, but impressive  enough to flush a good number of people under cover, cause others to fashion slickers out of plastic bags.

Philadelphia Weather is calling for a sprinkling from a few afternoon showers, then they'll move off, and temperatures for the show should range between the high 50s and low 60s.

I'm in something called the Liquid Lounge, which is where the media is setting up. I've got a pass that lets me roam the grounds of the Tweeter Center. I'll be talking to people for a story planned for tomorrow, and will figure out a way to sneak into the pavilion to be able to describe the action on stage. There are three monitors in the media center should I be shut out.

You should be able to follow the action here, and the concert will be streamed at

Here in the Liquid Lounge - I have no idea how they named it; it seems dry - we've got visits scheduled with Jerry Lee Lewis, Govt' Mule, Shelby Lynne, the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Steve Earle, Allison Moorer, Steel Pulse, Jimmy Sturr and Danielle Evin.

Jack's Firehouse has boxed some smoked gouda and chicken sandwiches. There's organic reduced-fat vanilla milk. That should be illegal.