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Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship?

Anybody notice that the boy wonder of baseball general managers is suddenly available.

Theo Epstein, tricks the Boston Red Sox on Halloween, and leaves a three-year contract extension on the table. Epstein, the Yale-educated grandson and grand-nephew of the Casablanca screenwriters, moved Red Sox Nation's beloved Nomar Garciaparra for the parts that built a World Series champion after an 86-year drought.

Don't the local nine have an opening for a super hero in casual slacks?

Posted 11/01/2005 09:53:40 AM
I don't see the Phillies brass throwing down the dough for Theo and I also read in the Boston Herald that Theo will likely take a year off from baseball.
Daniel Rubin
Posted 11/01/2005 10:02:20 AM
I've also read how tired he was of the rock-star status he had as GM in Boston. Too much attention. Same problem Lindros had playing in Canada way back when. But Philly, where the focus is on football, would be a lot different. As for the money, you get what you pay for.