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Shoot-To-Kill Under Fire

The South Asian guy in a padded jacket running away from police in the London subway when he was shot by police?

He was Brazilian, named Jean Charles de Menezes.

And wearing a light denim jacket.

He wasn't running  away - he'd picked up a newspaper and was trying to catch his train.

British officials are feeling the heat.

The details becoming clearer of the July 22 shooting that followed the second bomb plot. The Christian Science Monitor's web site pulls together the latest in reports from the overseas papers. The BBC highlights the discepencies.

Posted 08/19/2005 04:05:21 PM
is there a better link for that story? the URL appears to have a different piece now...
Daniel Rubin
Posted 08/19/2005 05:00:08 PM
'fraid not. they've moved the sucker under wraps.
But try this from tomorrow's Telegraph: