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Primanti Bros. now shipping sandwiches nationwide

For those of us outside the Pittsburgh area who were previously unable to add both french fries and coleslaw to pre-existing sandwiches ourselves, the nightmare has finally come to an end.

For those of us outside the Pittsburgh area who were previously unable to add both french fries and coleslaw to pre-existing sandwiches ourselves, the nightmare has finally come to an end. Primanti Bros. is now shipping their sandwiches nationwide.

Pittsburgh's most beloved sandwich shop has teamed up with, a food delivery service, to bring packs of their signature ingredients to Primanti Bros. fans, all at $109 a pop. A steep price, considering all that adds up to about four sandwiches — and you've got to build the sammies yourself from prepackaged ingredients. Pittsburgh's WTAE-TV breaks down the list:

  1. One Loaf of Freshly Baked Italian Bread

  2. Choice of Primanti's fresh cut Pastrami or Capicola

  3. Provolone Cheese

  4. Hand-cut French Fries

  5. Primanti's Cole Slaw

  6. Red Devil Hot Sauce

  7. Two Tomatoes

  8. Primanti's Limited Edition T-Shirt

So, basically, some produce and cold cuts, plus a loaf of bread and frozen fries. Oh, and a T-shirt. For $109, or about $27.25 per sandwich. In store, the sandwiches go for about $10 with all the fixings.

Odd, considering that the sandwich shop's claim to fame is taking already famous, revered sandwiches, adding french fries and cole slaw, and calling it a whole new invention. In Philly, at least, you'd do better to take a trip to the Italian Market or Reading Terminal (or most bodegas, really) with a Primanti-style sandwich in mind and shop accordingly. Because, really, if you've got to make a Primanti Bros. sandwich yourself anyway, there's no sense in shilling out $109 for the privilege.

To contrast, Goldbely also offers an 8-pack of cheesesteaks from Jim's Steaks, which has long been known for its nationwide shipping. That deal runs $169, or $21.13 per sandwich — and they're already cooked and assembled.

But, hey, it's tough to put a price on cravings. Expatriate Yinzers, your prayers have been answered.