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Police: Storm victim was Darby woman

Police have identified the woman killed after her car plunged into the Schuylkill River during Sunday night's severe storms as Tiyana Stenson, 21, of Darby.

Police have identified the woman killed after her car plunged into the Schuylkill River during Sunday night's severe storms as Tiyana Stenson, 21, of Darby.

Stenson was traveling in a car on Kelly Drive near Boathouse Row during a downpour when the car veered into the river. A man who also was in the car swam to safety and told police Stenson was driving and swerved to avoid another vehicle in her lane. Sgt. Joseph Rossa of the Accident Investigation District said detectives continue to investigate the case.

The accident occurred on a day of historic weather in Philadelphia. A record 8.02 inches of rain, as measured at the Philadelphia International Airport, fell in the city in just a few hours Sunday. That's far more than the previous single-day record of 6.6 inches, set in 1999 when Hurricane Floyd blew through.