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Vince Fumo endorses ... not Jim Kenney

Former state Sen. Vince Fumo went on Facebook this morning and weighed in on the mayor's race. Sort of.

Former state Sen. Vince Fumo went on Facebook this morning and weighed in on the mayor's race. Sort of.

Fumo posted this story about the "four billionaires" supporting state Sen. Anthony Hardy Williams and wrote that he'd prefer their candidate over one backed by labor leader John Dougherty, who is throwing money behind ex-Fumo protege and former Councilman Jim Kenney.

"Either those guys or Johnnie doc! I take anyone other than dougherty!" Fumo wrote.

The four billionaires are the pro-school-choice Susquehanna International Group trio funding Williams ads, and Gerry Lenfest – owner of the Inquirer, Daily News and – who has contributed money to Williams. (The Inquirer endorsed Williams; the Daily News endorsed Kenney).

We called Fumo to see if his Facebook status means that he is endorsing Williams.

"No, I'm just saying you can't criticize one without recognizing the other," Fumo said. "I've said consistently that I don't think the city should be run by Johnny Dougherty."

So would Fumo prefer one of the other candidates? Williams? Former District Attorney Lynne Abraham? Former Common Pleas Judge Nelson Diaz? Former PGW executive Doug Oliver? Perhaps Milton Street, who, like Fumo, did time in prison and the state Senate?

"I'm not going to comment on that. I will be voting for somebody," said Fumo, still on probation for fraud and corruption charges. "I'm not endorsing anybody. I've been trying to stay out of this race as much as I can."

Then, the Prince of Darkness asked a question: "Which is more dangerous to the city? Guys who want charter schools? Or Dougherty?"

And we'll leave it at that.

(h/t Ryan Briggs, the reporter/Facebook creeper who notified us of Fumo's post).