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BRT Board Puts Reform Efforts on Ice, Angers Nutter Administration

A spokesman for Mayor Nutter called the Board of Revision of Taxes "irresponsible" for refusing to extend an agreement that turned over assessment responsibilities to the city administration.

"It does create some additional challenges," said Doug Oliver of the BRT board's move, first reported by the Inquirer. "Our commitment to overhaul the BRT remains unchanged."

The BRT – plagued by an Inquirer series that revealed a legacy of political patronage and inaccurate assessments – last fall agreed to allow the administration take over all assessment functions, leaving the seven board members just hearing appeals. That six-month agreement expired yesterday and so far has not been renewed.

Next month, residents will vote on a proposal to permanently abolish the BRT and create two new agencies. If approved, that plan would go into affect in September.

So what does this mean? In the short term, this means that attorney Richard Negrin, who was hired to overhaul the city's troubled property tax system, is essentially put on ice.

We'll see if Nutter can get the board to reconsider.