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150 registered to vote at Council's "Be the Vote" event

While a Commonwealth Court Judge said he was considering an injunction that would address a portion of the state's controversial Voter ID law, more than a 150 people registered to vote at a "Be the Vote" block party Thursday at Shepard Recreation Center, in West Philly where residents received information about the proper ID needed to vote and were able to verify their registration status.

"This is not an R thing or a D thing. It's about doing the right thing which is voting," said City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. Jones along with Republican Councilman David Oh joined with other city offices to put the event together. "Voter suppression in this country isn't anything new. You should vote and you should have the right to vote in this democracy."

Jones' office said 20 percent of those who registered also received rides to local PennDOT centers provided by Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to get the proper ID needed to vote.

Oct. 9 is the last day to register to vote before the general election.