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Answers to 'You're Not So Lost' quiz

Here are the answers to the quiz about the ABC TV show "Lost," which returns at 9 tonight with two hours  based on last season's finale, followed tomorrow night at 8 by a recap and  the season's premiere. 

1. (b) a polar bear and a slave ship on a mountaintop.

3. (a) Hurley, Charlie and Sayid.

4. (c) Lifeboat. Desmond arrived by sailboat, Juliet apparently by sub

5. (b) Sayid was a gulf war prisoner under her father.

6. (c) Her cancer and his paralysis might return.

7. (a) Walt, the psychic boy.

9. (b)  The supposed rescuers are liars.

10. (c) Jack's father, Christian Shephard. Not only was his coffin empty on the island, but in the finale's flash forward, Jack talks about his father as if he's alive.

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