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Street aide promoted despite '03 threats case

Managing Director Loree Jones has named longtime administration aide Tumar Alexander as her chief of staff, choosing to look past a heated election-season confrontation in 2003 between Alexander and the landlord of mayoral challenger Sam Katz's North Philadelphia campaign office.

Managing Director Loree Jones has named longtime administration aide Tumar Alexander as her chief of staff, choosing to look past a heated election-season confrontation in 2003 between Alexander and the landlord of mayoral challenger Sam Katz's North Philadelphia campaign office.

Alexander - who at the time was accompanied by a son of the mayor's, Sharif Street - was charged with making terroristic threats. He entered a program for first-time offenders, received six months' probation, and was suspended without pay from his city job for a week.

Since then, however, Alexander has worked on some of the Street administration's top projects, including the Neighborhood Transformation Initiative, the push for curfew centers, and Safer Streets.

"He has demonstrated incredible leadership," Jones said. "If you ask elected officials, community leaders, they'd all say he's a go-to guy, and that's what I was looking for."

Jones said that Alexander had "learned from" the 2003 incident and called him an "incredibly matured person." - Patrick Kerkstra

A YouTube campaign

At-large City Council candidate David Oh is trying to YouTube his way into City Hall.

In what is regarded as the most competitive Council contest, three challengers - Oh, Patricia Mattern and Phil Kerwick - face the daunting task of knocking out incumbents Frank Rizzo and Jack Kelly for the two at-large seats reserved for the minority party.

In a cheap way to get out his message, Oh has gone wild - with video of endorsements, Oh making jokes, Oh at a kickboxing event, Oh campaigning.

"I'm pushing new ideas - YouTube gives me a chance to explain my ideas," said Oh, who also likes the fact that his endorsers, such as local NAACP President J. Whyatt Mondesire, get a chance on video to explain exactly why they're backing him.

If you're looking for entertainment in your Internet politics, stick with "I Got a Crush . . . on Obama." Because Teamsters business agent Dan Bosak's monotone monologue about what a great guy Oh is won't ever threaten Obama Girl in looks or dance moves. - Jeff Shields

Clinton schmoozing

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is holding a meeting of her personal club in Philadelphia on Wednesday, but it's not a very exclusive one.

Tickets are just $100 for the "Club 44 Women's Forum" event at the Sheraton City Center Hotel - that's "44," as in the 44th president of the United States.

Several people in the state's Democratic fund-raising community say they expect upward of 750 people at the forum, which will feature a Q&A with the junior senator from New York and front-runner for the party's presidential nomination. The event will begin at 3 p.m.

Clinton, who has already raised $53 million, also is scheduled to have a more intimate dinner with high-rollers, local Democrats say.

Scott Freda of Clinton's campaign staff declined to comment. - Thomas Fitzgerald