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Yo, Council, take it to the limit

WILL Philadelphia City Council members serve themselves a poison pill? Yesterday, Councilman Wilson Goode Jr. introduced a proposal that would impose term limits on Council. Goode's bill would limit members of Council to three consecutive four-year terms, effectively limiting them to 12 years in office.

WILL Philadelphia City Council members serve themselves a poison pill? Yesterday, Councilman Wilson Goode Jr. introduced a proposal that would impose term limits on Council. Goode's bill would limit members of Council to three consecutive four-year terms, effectively limiting them to 12 years in office.

It's safe to say the ordinance was not warmly or enthusiastically received. If the bill gets taken seriously and not shoved in a dark closet, voters would have to embrace it, since limits would require a charter change, and a public vote.

There are many good reasons for term limits; chief among them is to bring fresh perspectives to the city's legislative body. (See our chart at right that helps carbon-date the current Council's history.) Limits would give more people a shot at public service. After all, elected office should not mean a job for life.

Those opposed to limits say that it would reduce the experience and wisdom that comes from years in office. They claim voters can impose term limits by voting someone out of office.

We urge voters to tell their Council representatives to take this seriously enough to hold public hearings. We all deserve a full airing of the pros and cons of the bill. *