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THE SUPREME Court has finally put to rest the anti-gun folks' assertions that firearms are only for police and the military.

THE SUPREME Court has finally put to rest the anti-gun folks' assertions that firearms are only for police and the military.

Interestingly, those who tried to misinterpret the Second Amendment before this decision are now both claiming victory and simultaneously wailing and gnashing their teeth.

Columnist Jill Porter actually referred to America as "a country being destroyed by the lunatic fringe of an ideologically-driven U.S. Supreme Court." Sounds like she's ready to pack up her Birkenstocks and move to Canada. I'll miss her, but the republic will survive.

Historically, the first major test this oft-assailed amendment weathered was when it helped newly emancipated slaves defend themselves. Some local authorities sought to disarm African-Americans with gun control by day to make them easier prey by night. Thankfully, that didn't work any better than City Council's unconstitutional attempts at gun control.

If Philadelphians want to reduce crime, we need a better-funded, better-supported police force with more patrol officers, a criminal-justice system that ends the revolving-door of recidivism and more aggressive prosecution. Unfortunately, this would require actual work by our politicians, while grandstanding is easier and more fun.

Tom McCourt, Philadelphia

The parents' perspective

Re Todd Cohen's June 25 letter:

I'm guessing you're not a parent, or you'd understand what it's like before passing judgment. I am a proud father of three boys (14, 13 and 8) and they aren't "whiny, stupid brats."

When my sons were younger, if they had a little tantrum in a theater or at a restaurant, I left with them and only came back when they were calm.

My family and I have the same right as you to go to a movie or a restaurant whenever we want because we're paying customers.

Anthony Holmes, Philadelphia

Obama's plight

I agree that independent and Republican voters would've had a field day seeing the Muslim women in their garb sitting behind Obama, especially since so many white Americans are worried that Obama is a closet Muslim.

I can understand that these women might have felt upset and discriminated against because they weren't allowed to sit behind him, but if they truly want Obama to win the presidency, then they should also understand what he is up against.

Renee Towns, Philadelphia

Bring on the hybrid taxis

Unfortunately, it appears that the rise in taxi fares has a diminishing return. While drivers get more for the trip, fewer people are able to afford it.

Yet we stubbornly refuse to consider a more fuel-efficient vehicle. A Ford Escape hybrid gets 32 mpg in the city, versus a Ford Interceptor, which may get 12.

I'm of the firm opinion that all municipal vehicles should go hybrid and that Philadelphia could be the role model for other major cities.

Michael Eichert
