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Judge strikes City Commissioner Singer's name off the May 19 ballot

A Common Pleas Court judge filed an order Monday to remove City Commissioner Stephanie Singer's name from the May 19 primary ballot for a lack of valid petition signatures.

A Common Pleas Court judge filed an order Monday to remove City Commissioner Stephanie Singer's name from the May 19 primary ballot for a lack of valid petition signatures.

Singer, however, has not given up her fight to hold on to her ballot slot in the Democratic primary. Her lawyer, Charles Goodwin, has filed a series of motions to try to save her campaign.

Common Pleas Court Judge Joel Johnson will hear those motions during a telephone conference Tuesday afternoon.

"It ain't over until it is over," Goodwin said. "I'm sorry we are keeping the whole city in suspense, but I will do everything within the bounds of the law to ensure my client receives her proper place on the ballot in May."

Richard Hoy, lawyer for three Democrats who challenged Singer's petitions, said he would continue to fight any attempt to keep her on the ballot.

"Let her appeal to the Commonwealth Court if she so wishes," he said.

Hoy, on behalf of his clients, had challenged many of the 1,485 signatures on the nominating petitions Singer filed to get on the ballot. In all, 489 signatures were stricken as invalid, leaving Singer with 996 signatures, or four shy of the 1,000 needed.

Even if she can find a way to stay on the ballot, Singer may be in serious trouble: The Democratic Party leadership has decided she will not receive the party endorsement.

U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, the city Democratic chairman, said the party would endorse Lisa Deely and Commissioner Anthony Clark. He said Singer's petition problems had no bearing on the decision.

"We weren't going to endorse her anyway," Brady said. "But it doesn't make sense that a city commissioner can't file enough petitions to get on the ballot."

Singer, 50, is a former ward leader and math professor who ran as a reformer in 2011. She soon clashed with her two fellow commissioners and with other politicians, including Brady.

Deeley has worked for City Controller Alan Butkovitz and City Councilman Bobby Henon.