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Do as I say, not as I

Gov. Corbett's staff says Tom Wolf's state employees also used computers to view sexually inappropriate materials.

Democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf answers questions after a debate with Republican Governor Tom Corbett at the WTAE-TV studio in Wilkinsburg, Pa. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
Democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf answers questions after a debate with Republican Governor Tom Corbett at the WTAE-TV studio in Wilkinsburg, Pa. on Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014. (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)Read moreAP

AT THIS POINT, it might be harder to find a government computer in Harrisburg that hasn't been used to view or transmit porn.

Gov. Corbett's press office yesterday released details of disciplinary actions taken against eight Department of Revenue employees for using state computers and email accounts to view or transmit "sexually suggestive" material while Tom Wolf headed that agency during Gov. Ed Rendell's second term.

Wolf, a Democrat from York, is challenging Corbett's bid for a second term in the Nov. 4 general election and holds a double-digit lead in the polls.

Corbett's campaign has been hampered by revelations in the past two weeks that his former top deputies at the state Attorney General's Office used state computers and email accounts to send and receive explicit images and video.

Wolf, speaking during a debate last week, said Corbett was responsible while serving as attorney general for setting the office culture. Wolf added that he took on that responsibility "in every organization I've headed."

Corbett, who has said he didn't know about the porn, called Wolf's assertion a "cheap shot."

Wolf spokesman Mark Nicastre said the actions taken against the porn viewers in the Department of Revenue is "an example of the contrasting leadership" between Wolf and Corbett.

"Under Tom Wolf, when these types of improprieties arose in a few cases among a staff of approximately 1,800, there was discipline," Nicastre said. "Under Tom Corbett, his top lieutenants shared hundreds of pornographic emails over four years with no discipline whatsoever."

Corbett spokesman Chris Pack soon returned fire, noting that the governor has accepted the resignation of two former deputies and has requested another.

"Instead of once again pointing fingers, Tom Wolf needs to explain how he allowed a culture to develop in his office that allowed this to happen in the first place," Pack said in an email.

The details released yesterday show that two Department of Revenue employees - both clerks - were fired in 2007 for Internet activity that involved "sexually oriented websites."

Five more employees - a tax-collection manager, clerical supervisor, tax-appeal hearing officer, district lottery representative and clerk - were reprimanded for emailing information deemed sexually inappropriate.

A tax examiner was reprimanded for the same offense.

Corbett's staff pulled the information, at the request of the Daily News, from the Department of Revenue's files. It did not include the names of the employees involved and is not a complete accounting of any inappropriate state computer use that might have occurred in the agency.

Seven other Revenue employees were suspended or reprimanded for violating the agency's Internet and email policies, but that did not involve violations "of a sexual nature," according to Corbett's press office.

The so-called PornGate scandal grew out of state Attorney General Kathleen Kane's review of Corbett's handling of the child sex-abuse case that sent Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky to prison.

It was during that time that the porn emails were recovered from a state computer server.

Two weeks ago Kane showed reporters a small portion of the explicit images and videos. Last week, she released the emails used to deliver those files.

Two of Corbett's top deputies, Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Chris Abruzzo and DEP Chief Counsel Glenn Parno, resigned last week after their emails were released.

Corbett has requested the resignation of another deputy, Randy Feathers, from the post he now holds on the state Board of Probation and Parole. Feathers has resisted that call, saying he wants an independent forensic analysis of the emails Kane released.

Fresh Start PAC, a political-action committee started by Wolf to assist his campaign, yesterday questioned why Corbett's campaign still employs Kevin Harley's communications firm. Harley, who served as press secretary for Corbett as attorney general and governor, was included in the emails Kane released.

The scandal claimed another scalp this week as Lancaster District Attorney Craig Stedman told the Lancaster New Era that Richard Sheetz Jr. had resigned his job there. Sheetz, a former Corbett deputy, was also included in the email released by Kane.

Tomorrow, one of Kane's agents will meet with state Supreme Court Justice Ron Castille to provide him with copies of emails. Castille demanded to see any explicit materials that were sent or received by state judges.

Kane won't be making those emails public, her spokeswoman said yesterday.