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Does girlfriend's dirty talk have some truth in it?

Steve and Mia also counsel a woman whose beau has a racial hangup.

Q: My girlfriend likes me to call her a dirty slut and worse while we make love. It makes her really wild and out of control. I have been saving up for a ring, but I don't want to marry someone who thinks of herself as a slut. What do you think?

Mia: If she likes to play potty mouth and you don't, it's going to be an issue at some point. Don't buy her a ring. Keep saving, and then invest in someone who really does it for you.

Steve: Does she really think that about herself or is it bedroom role play? Discuss it. Share your likes and dislikes. You'll probably have enough "likes" in common to discard the dislikes and still enjoy a healthy sex life.

Q: The man I'm seeing now knows that my previous boyfriend was black, and he can't get over it. When we have sex, he asks me if "Eric" was bigger than him. He says things like, "Did Eric do this to you?" When we hang out with his friends, he doesn't want me to bring my son, who is biracial. He gets mad whenever Eric comes to see the kid. I told him he's being jealous, and he needs to let it go. We get along, but I'm not sure how to make him stop.

Mia: You should never discourage Eric from seeing his son. That's a bond you need to nurture in any way you can. That means providing access to your son regardless of whether he has paid child support, or how you might be feeling about him that day.

But back to your current boyfriend: Given your son's racial heritage, you need to be extra mindful about bringing a man into your home who clearly harbors deep racial biases. There are lots of men with open hearts who would love a child regardless of his skin color. Don't settle for this loser.

Steve: Your guy has a serious insecurity problem. Suggest he get counseling. If he declines, leave. It won't get better.