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Top reasons you’re not losing weight

Ok let's set the scene: you've tried a few diets, you're a regular at the gym, you do your best to eat as healthy as possible, and yet you can't seem to lose those five pesky pounds that are keeping you from looking absolutely great in your bikini this summer. Well, luckily for you, Fitsugar compiled a list of the top 25 reasons that you're not losing weight.

Aside from cutting out the soda, getting extra shuteye, and making sure you don't skip breakfast (you know, the stuff we harp about here all the time) – here are our five favorite tips (ok six because we couldn't pick just five!) – and we bet you didn't know a few of these reasons were part of your problem:

You don't cut your food

Seriously, how simple does that sound? But how many times have you put a piece of meat that is way too big on your fork just because you were feeling a little lazy? "Cutting food into tiny pieces may seem slightly childish, but studies show that humans find smaller portions more satisfying and, as a result, are satisfied with less," explains Lizzie Fuhr, assistant editor at Fitsugar.

You over indulge in low fat foods

We all know the mindset, the this-snack-is-good-for-me-so-I-can-have-double mindset. Yea that's not really true. Just because it's low fat doesn't mean it's completely devoid of calories, carbs and sugars. "Many times [low fat foods] are filled with extra sodium, sugar, or chemical additives to make up for the ingredients the company has removed or decreased," Fuhr explains.

You exercise on an empty stomach

Nobody wants to work out on a full stomach, but exercising on an empty one is equally as damaging. Fuhr explains, "When you work out on an empty stomach, research shows that the calories burned come from muscle, not fat," so your body loses that fuel source and your workout intensity goes down the drain. Next time you're getting ready to hit the gym try a small yogurt or a cup of oatmeal about 45 minutes before to maximize your gym time.

You don't keep a food journal

We know, we know, you're not 12 anymore so journals don't excite you – but if this journal just so happened to be the kick that helped you drop those last 3 pesky pounds, would you really be too cool for it? "A study from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics surveyed 123 women and found that those who were the most successful at losing weight monitored their food intake by keeping a journal," writes Fuhr.

You leave out entire food groups

Pulling an Ashton Kutcher and going on an all-fruit diet isn't going to help you drop a few pounds, it's just going to land you in the hospital with pancreas levels that are completely out of whack – now does that sound fun to you? Didn't think so. Giving up whole food groups deprives your body of essential nutrients and vitamins, so "rather than, say, eliminating all carbohydrates, focus on whole grains and remember to monitor portion control," Fuhr suggests.

You eat while standing up

You know how your mom used to tell you not to eat in front of the TV? Well standing at the fridge or counter is just as bad as munching on the sofa because both lead to mindless eating, which in turn leads to, you guessed it, unwanted calories.  So take a seat and enjoy your snack next time, your waistline will thank you!

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